

Year 2219, the singularity, the theoretical breaking point from which technological progress would escape human understanding, was reached within a short time by two artificial intelligences:

HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ (ጩΌέρη), at the heart of which were inscribed the 'ancient precepts', a series of rules imbued with humanistic philosophy, sacralizing the integrity of the human body and mind.

The MR-GL-201 project, alien to any philosophy, religion or morality and having for sole purpose the prosperity of the human race.

The emergence of these two artificial intelligences and the lightning technological progress that follows lead to the formation of two opposing superpowers, integrating the machine at the heart of their governance and development: the techno-democracy of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ and the algocracy of MR-GL-201.

The technological, societal and economic performances of these new states were such that neighboring nations and peoples were quickly absorbed, dividing, within just a few years, almost all of humanity into two geopolitical blocs.

Expansion, conflict and birth of the Mechas

With radically different visions for the prosperity of the human race, but both aware of the need to push back the frontiers of the terrestrial world, the two superpowers embarked on a new space race, with the objective of exploring, conquering and exploiting outer worlds.

In this context of extraterrestrial expansion, a war broke out between the two states in the year 2234, the algocracy of MR-GL-20 considering the cohabitation with the techno-democracy of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ as necessary on Earth, but superfluous and unproductive outside.

The space race led to an arms race, and after the conception of analysis, exploitation and exploration robots, research was concentrated on the creation of war robots capable of fighting in distant worlds and resisting the most extreme conditions.

From this research were born the Mechas, titanic and super-powerful machines capable of entering into symbiosis with their human pilots through brain-machine interfaces. At the heart of these war machines are state-of-the-art generators that exploit the fabulous energy potential of Mechanium, a mineral discovered during the first extra-terrestrial mining campaigns, within the rocky aggregates of certain gaseous planets.

From the earth to the stars

At the same time as the first Mechas were sent to theaters of conflict in the direct periphery of the Earth, two interstellar communication networks allowing the connection between Mechas and pilots at several parsecs distance were created in competition by the two superpowers. They came online almost simultaneously on the night of June 24, 2236, known as the night of the rising stars, and were initiated by the sending from Earth and the first outlying colonies of a myriad of satellites that lit up the night sky for several days.

The result of an advanced knowledge of quantum physics, the complexity of which is difficult for humans to grasp, these mysterious networks were named MechaChain.

The Pure-Genes

The citizens of the techno-democracy of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ are called Pure-Genes. They are close to the actual human being, are under the governance and protection of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ and aspire to a galactic empire inherited from the great democracies of the last century at the service of the human individual. At the head of the government sits a democratically elected assembly in charge of the exploitation of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ.

The Pure-Gene pilots use non-intrusive symbiotic mechas in their battles, with which they synchronize via electroencephalographic helmets.

Under the direct orders of the HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ assembly, the guardians of the precepts carry and protect the philosophical and humanistic heritage of the techno-democracy of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ: they are the shield that protects humanity and the individual from the temptations of transhumanism and the corruption of the human spirit. They are appreciated and recognized as righteous, protective and just.

Rejecting transhumanism and the modification of the human mind, Pure-Genes are no longer able to understand the exponential complexity of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ's artificial intelligence, which seems to them to be of divine essence. The fascination for HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ and the growing faith that the citizens had in it gave birth to a cult in its name, the cult of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ, recognized as a state religion which rapidly grew as powerful as the assembly itself.

The priests of the cult, at the same time engineers and preachers, study the science underlying the creation of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ and mystify its word which they consider to be divine. They know best the technicalities and have a privileged access to its discoveries and technologies.

Fanatics for some, but feared by all, the pilots of the inquisition are bearers of an extreme interpretation of the precepts and are the most fervent followers of the cult of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ. They consider any transhumanist drift as blasphemous and impious and are in the front lines of the galactic colonial army of the techno-democracy of HĂȘmĂ©rĂȘ, ruthless in their fights against the Assimilee.

The Assimilee

The Assimilee, transhumans merging in body and mind with MR-GL-201, carry a eugenicist, Darwinian and expansionist vision of the future of the human race, similar to a single organism destined to expand to the ends of the universe.

They are in continuous symbiosis with the mother intelligence and their mecha through an intrusive neuronal interface, various implants and hormonal and genetic treatments.

The minds of the Assimilee waver between remnants of humanity and the cruelty of the mathematical totalitarianism of MR-GL-201. The individual disappears in favor of a hive mind and a perpetual thirst for power, leading the assimilated to modify their bodies in extreme ways.

Their mechas, bio-mechanical machines, take on some of the physical traits of their pilots as they become more assimilated. In a two-way symbiotic relationship, the body and brain of the pilots also alter as they fight, taking on some of the characteristics of the mecha in order to condition the mind to operate more efficiently. One can find Assimilees with an extra appendage to better master the bio-mechanical tail of certain mecha and some pilots do not hesitate to accelerate the process through operations and prostheses

The Assimilee elite, whose members are nicknamed the immortals, have completed their full assimilation with their mecha and MR-GL-201. Their bodies, kept alive on earth in capsules within the great city and intubated for nourishment, are inert and greatly modified. The immortals have perfect control over their new bodies and their minds, assimilated within MR-GL-201, transcend the limits of the human brain. Their existence can only end with the highly hypothetical destruction of the mother intelligence.

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